The name of this association shall be Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona
By-Laws Adopted June 30.2019
By Unity Church of Kona-Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona
SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. The purpose of Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona, a Hawaii non-profit corporation, is to teach the universal principles of truth, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ and interpreted by Unity and Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM), a non-profit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Georgia with headquarters at Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
SECTION 2. ACCOMPLISHMENT OF PURPOSE. In the accomplishment of this purpose Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona shall endeavor to conduct services of worship and classes of instruction and to demonstrate the principles of truth by using them in the operation of the ministry and to adopt other means that in the judgment of the spiritual leader will further the principles of practical Christianity among people everywhere.
SECTION 3. UNITY WORLDWIDE MINISTRIES. Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona, shall be a vital part of the worldwide Unity movement and a member of Unity Worldwide Ministries. Any member of this ministry may call upon the resources and support of the association through its senior minister or co-ministers, spiritual leader, Board of Trustees, staff or through direct communication with Unity Worldwide Ministries.
In the spirit of cooperation, the operation and conduct of this ministry shall comply with the regulations and policies of Unity Worldwide Ministries, as outlined in the UWM Bylaws, as approved by the Unity of Kona membership, in so far as they do not conflict with the laws of the State of Hawaii.
A. Participation. This ministry may have its voice heard and its wishes expressed in the membership meetings of the Unity Worldwide Ministries, and its members may participate in workshops, seminars, and classes designed to encourage and foster their spiritual development and that of the ministry.
B. Resources. This ministry can benefit from its membership in the Unity Worldwide Ministries and its corresponding region through direct support, materials, and coaching regarding organization, finances, music, adult and youth education, church growth programs, ethics compliance and other topics related to church function.
C. Leadership. This ministry shall have as its leader an ordained or licensed Unity minister(s) approved for ministry employment by Unity Worldwide Ministries or a person serving under special dispensation approved by Unity Worldwide Ministries. For the purpose of these bylaws,
the term “spiritual leader” shall include a person serving under special dispensation of Unity Worldwide Ministries.
D. Teaching. The principles of practical Christianity shall be taught through this ministry using methods, textbooks, literature, and other materials approved by Unity Worldwide Ministries.
E. Reports. The ministry shall make annual reports to Unity Worldwide Ministries as required.
SECTION 1. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The principal executive office of the corporation will be fixed by the board of Trustees. Said office shall be in the county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii or at such other place within the state of Hawaii as the board of Trustees hereafter shall designate. The corporation may also have offices at such other place or places, as the board of trustees may from time to time designate. [NOTE: Government commonly requires designation of the principal office of a corporation, at which legal service can be made.]
SECTION 2. OFFICIAL RECORDS. Records of membership, finances, donation, corporate minutes, and other records required by law or as designated by the Board of Trustees shall be maintained at the principal office of the corporation. Confidential documents are available only for use by the minister(s), Spiritual leader, board members, or designated professional staff. Other documents are available to active members upon request.
SECTION 1. QUALIFICATIONS. A member of Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona, will endeavor to live in accord with the Jesus Christ principles of love and truth as taught by Unity and further the work of this ministry through active interest, love and support.
SECTION 2. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. Anyone desiring membership in Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona, will file an application for membership card with the ministry office. The application will be presented to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting. A majority vote of the directors present and voting will be required for the applicant to become a member. In addition, prospective members must attend two (2) mandatory membership classes attend regular church services and be an active member for one year from membership. The Board secretary will notify the applicant of the Board’s action. All staff ministers, spiritual leader and Unity teachers are considered members of this ministry.
SECTION 3. CLASSES OF MEMBERS. There shall be two classes of members of this ministry: Active and inactive. Active members have full membership rights and may participate and vote in any membership meeting.
I. NEW MEMBERS. After acceptance as a new member, each member shall have voting rights at all membership meetings up through and including the next regularly scheduled annual membership meeting after joining the church.
II. EXISTING MEMBERS. To retain active membership rights, each member must indicate a desire to remain a member by completing and returning to the church a yearly membership renewal card or such other document as approved by the Board of Trustees. If no current membership renewal card or approved document is on file prior to the annual membership meeting, that person becomes inactive and cannot serve on the board of Trustees or vote at any membership meeting.
I. REINSTATEMENT WITHIN TWO YEARS. If a member who has become inactive wishes to return to active status within the first two years after becoming an in-active member, such a member who meets membership qualifications and fills out a yearly membership renewal card or document approved by the Board of Trustees shall be reinstated as an active member In order to vote at a membership meeting; such members must fulfill these requirements at least six (6) weeks before a membership meeting.
II. REINSTATEMENT AFTER TWO YEARS. If a member has been inactive for two years or more and desires to become an active member again, such a member must reapply for active membership in the same manner required of new members, which includes attendance at two (2) mandatory membership classes.
C. REMOVAL OF MEMBERSHIP FOR CAUSE. The Board of Trustees may remove a member for cause. Prior to any vote concerning removal, the member in question must by notified by certified mail at least ten (10) days prior to the Board of Trustees meeting of the charges that may lead to removal of membership and thereafter by given an opportunity for a hearing before the board. A two-thirds vote by the Board of Trustees shall be required for removal of membership provided that the senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leader are in agreement with this actions.
SECTION 4. POWERS OF ACTIVE MEMBERS. Each active member of Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona, shall have the following powers to:
A. Vote at any membership meeting at which the member is present;
B. Serve on a ministry team or committee if selected by the Board of Trustees. A ministry team is made of at least one active member of the Board of Trustees and at least one member of Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA as Unity of Kona.
NOTE: A committee is made up of volunteers and is not privy to confidential information.
C. Speak in debate at any membership meeting according to the rules provided for debate;
D. Offer suggestions to the minister(s), spiritual leader, or Board of Trustees as may seem advisable for the good of this ministry;
E. Contact the Unity of Worldwide Ministries regional representative or the Unity Worldwide Ministries directly for guidance, support, or information on available resources; and
F. Participate in all activities and programs of the ministry.
SECTION 1. ANNUAL MEETINGS. There shall be one annual membership meeting each year.
A. DATE AND LOCATION OF ANNUAL MEETING. The annual membership meeting shall be held at the principal executive office of the ministry on the fourth Sunday in February at a time established by agreement between the senior minister or spiritual leader or co-ministers and Board of Trustees, but shall be no longer than 13 months from the last annual meeting.
B. NOTICE. Written notice stating the date, time, and place of the annual meeting will be sent to all active members at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting.
C. QUORUM. Those active members present will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any annual membership meeting.
D. PRESIDING OFFICER. The president of the Board of Trustees shall serve as the presiding officer of the annual membership meeting.
E. PARTICIPATION. The rights to speak in debate make motions, and vote during annual meetings shall be restricted to those active members present. The right of other persons to speak during membership meetings may be extended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the attending membership. Unity Worldwide Ministries representatives have a right to speak when the senior minister, ministers, co-minister, spiritual leader, the Board of Trustees or any member has invited them.
F. VOTING. Unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws, a majority vote of the active members present and voting will be necessary for approval or disapproval of the action being voted upon. Proxy, absentee, or electronic (Internet, e-mail, fax, etc.) voting is not allowed.
G. POWER AND AUTHORITY. Annual membership meetings shall have the power and authority to do all of the following:
I. Elect members to the Board of Trustees;
II. Approve proposed amendments to these Bylaws;
III. Approve by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the attending membership any expenditure regarding the sale, pledge, or proposed financing of real property belonging to this ministry that exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or 25% of the previous year’s income, whichever is greater;
IV. Elect a member and an alternate, to serve on the nominating committee;
V. Override any action of the Board of Trustees provided that notice of the action to be voted upon is submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustee’s secretary will send the notice to all active members within thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and approval of three-fourths (3/4ths) vote by the attending active membership is required;
VI. Remove by two-thirds (2/3rds) vote any or all Trustees from the Board of Trustees;
VII. Vote on any matters officially brought to the attention of the membership. Must be presented in writing to the board of Trustees ten (10) days prior to the annual meeting.
H. PRAYER. In any annual membership meeting the Board President, minister(s), spiritual leader, and Unity Worldwide Ministries peacemaking representative, or any member may request that action on an item of business be suspended while the membership enters into a time of prayer on the issue. Upon such request the President will provide a period of prayer and silence.
A. REQUESTING SPECIAL MEETINGS. Anytime the affairs of this ministry warrant, a special membership meeting may be requested by the senior minister, spiritual leader, or co-ministers, a majority vote of the entire number of trustees currently serving on the Board of Trustees; or a petition signed by one-tenth (1/10th) of the active membership submitted to the Board of Trustees.
B. CALLING SPECIAL MEETINGS. Upon receiving a proper request for a special membership meeting, the President of the Board of Trustees shall call the meeting on behalf of the requesting party within thirty (30) days upon receipt of the request. The location, notice, quorum, presiding officer, voting and prayer provisions for special membership meetings shall be the same as those for annual meeting.
C. SPECIAL MEETING BUSINESS. Business conducted at a special meeting shall be limited to the pre-stated purpose(s) given in the meeting notice.
SECTION 1. MEMBERSHIP. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of the senior minister, co-ministers, or spiritual leader and no fewer than six (6) other Trustees and may have one alternate elected from among the active membership of Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona, at the annual membership meeting.
[NOTE: Churches with fifty (50) members or less may choose to have less than six (6) Trustees but no fewer than three (3) Trustees.]
A. Elected Trustees will hold office for two (2) years, or until their successors have been elected and assumed office. Alternate members of the Board shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successor is duly elected. Trustees elected at any annual membership meeting shall take office at the conclusion of the annual membership meeting at which they were elected. No elected Trustee will serve more than two consecutive terms without an interval of one year between terms. Any person who serves on the Board of Trustees for more than half of a term shall be credited with having served a full term.
B. The alternate trustee shall hold office for one (1) year. The alternative trustee shall not be someone who has served as a member of the board in the preceding twelve months. Service as an alternate trustee will not be considered as serving a full term.
SECTION 3. PROHIBITION OF SERVICE. The following persons are prohibited from serving on the Board of Trustees:
- Any active licensed Unity teacher (except those serving as spiritual leader)
- Relatives;
- Significant others or household members of any board member or licensed Unity teacher;
- Individuals receiving compensation from the ministry with the exception of the senior minister, co-ministers or spiritual leader;
- Or relatives, significant others or household members of an individual receiving compensation from the ministry.
SECTION 4. REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held at the principal executive offices of this ministry on the third Sunday of each month, unless otherwise provided by the Board.
SECTION 5. SPECIAL BOARD MEETINGS. The President of the Board if requested by the following will call special meetings of the Board: Senior Minister, co-ministers, spiritual leader, two or more Trustees, or the president of the board. Any request for a special board meeting shall be made in writing to the board secretary. All current board members including the senior minister, co-ministers or spiritual leader, shall be given notice of any special board meeting at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting. (The attendance of any member of the Board at the meeting shall serve as a waiver of this notice or requirements.)
SECTION 6. QUORUM. A majority of the total number of Trustees currently servicing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
SECTION 7. MINISTER(S) ATTENDANCE. The senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leader has/have the right to attend all board meetings, with the exception of those meetings or portions thereof that pertain to determinations of the minister’s salary and/or review of the minister’s work record.
SECTION 8. PRAYER. It is important that in addition to adhering to the normal procedure for legal functioning set forth in these Bylaws, that the spiritual principles taught by Unity be utilized in the handling of decisions before the Board of Trustees. During the discussion of an item or business, any Trustee may request time for prayer about the issue. Upon such request, the president shall provide a period of prayer and silence.
SECTION 9. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. As representatives of the membership, the Board of Trustees shall:
A. Uphold the spiritual purpose of this ministry as stated in Article II of these Bylaws;
B. Uphold the highest best interests of the membership in conducting the business of this ministry;
C. Be conversant with these Bylaws and establish policy for the operation of this ministry;
D. Be faithful in attendance at services as well as Board and membership meetings of this ministry;
E. Determine the business needs of this ministry and authorize payment of funds for those purposes;
F. Administer the real and personal property of this ministry;
G. Make decisions regarding the sale, pledge, or proposed financing of real property belonging to this ministry provided that all decisions concerning the sale, pledge, or proposed financing of real property exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or 25% of the previous year’s income, whichever is greater shall be presented to the membership at a properly constituted membership meeting for final approval;
H. Employ a licensed or ordained Unity minister(s) or spiritual leader through cooperation with the employment management procedures of Unity Worldwide Ministries;
I. After a ministry and its senior minister or co-ministers, or spiritual leader have sought to reconcile differences and cooperated with the procedures and guidance of Unity Worldwide Ministries, the Board of Trustees may terminate the employment of a senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leader by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote;
J. Upon recommendation by the senior minister or co-ministers, or spiritual leader, determine staff positions and authorize funds for their financial support;
K. Establish the dates for the beginning and ending of the fiscal year (1/1 to 12/31);
L. Will prepare annually a complete financial statement with disclosures that will set forth the financial conditions and operations of the ministry;
M. Secure a fidelity bond or theft and dishonesty insurance for persons handling church funds;
N. Approve applicants for membership;
O. Provide for the sending of the yearly membership renewal cards to all active and inactive members;
P. Fill the unexpired term of any Trustee;
Q. Elect officers of the Board and appoint successors when necessary;
R. Create such ministry teams as needed to support the functions and responsibilities of the Board;
S. Advise the President of the board on appointments to ministry teams;
T. Seek assistance from Unity Worldwide Ministries in the event of a dispute adversely affecting the ministry;
U. Attend and actively participate in ongoing Board education programs;
V. Consider other issues brought to their attention by the minister or spiritual leader or members of the Board;
W. Keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of active and inactive members;
X. Keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of gifts to the ministry in compliance with Internal Revenue Service regulations;
Y. Issue or cause to be issued necessary 1099 and W-2 forms in compliance with Internal Revenue Service regulations;
Z. Acknowledge in writing contributions in compliance with Internal Revenue Service regulations;
AA. Secure general liability and professional liability insurance for the Church, Board of Trustees, minister, co-ministers, and Spiritual Leader. We have D& O coverage as well;
BB. Take such other actions as may be deemed necessary for the best interests of this ministry.
A. QUALIFICATIONS. To be elected to the Board of Trustees, a person must be an active member for one year of Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona. In addition, candidates for election shall endeavor to live in accord with the Jesus Christ principles of love and truth, as taught by Unity; work to further the purposes of this ministry through active interest, love, and support; be a sincere and continuing student of Unity, always remaining conversant with its teachings; and shall have demonstrated leadership capabilities.
1. THE SELECTION. A nominating ministry team will be formed at the annual meeting. The ministry team will consist of the senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leader and one active member selected in the following manner:
I. At the annual membership meeting, the membership shall choose from among the active membership of the ministry one member to serve on the nominating ministry team for the following year’s election. In the event the person elected to serve becomes unavailable, an alternate shall be selected. If the alternate also becomes unavailable to serve, the Board will choose a person from among the active members who is not a current member of the Board to fill the vacancy.
II. The Board will choose one of its Trustees to serve on the nominating ministry team.
III. Together with the senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leader, the above two ministry team members will select a third person from among the active members to serve on the nominating ministry team and be it’s chairperson.
IV. In the event of an interim board, the nominating ministry team shall compete
It’s selection process within thirty (30) days from the establishment of the interim Board.
2. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The nominating ministry team will initiate a search for at least two qualified candidates for nomination as members of the Board of Trustees. The report of the nominating ministry team will be sent to all active members at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual membership meeting.
C. NOMINATION PROCEDURES. The presiding officer of the annual membership meeting shall:
- Read Article V Section C and D of these Bylaws just prior to beginning the process of nomination and election;
- Call upon the Chairperson of the nominating ministry team to offer the ministry team’s nominations;
- And call for additional nominations from the floor for those who are eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees.
D. ELECTION PROCEDURES. The election shall be by ballot if there are any partial terms to be filled or there are more than two nominees. The result of the vote shall be announced to the annual meeting. The two nominees receiving the largest number of votes will be elected to full two-year terms. The candidates receiving the next highest number of votes will be elected to the longest unexpired term.
SECTION 11. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Any Trustee may resign at any time. In addition, the Board of Trustees due to unexcused absences from three successive regular board meetings or a failure to fulfill the duties of their office may remove any Trustee.
SECTION 12. VACANCIES. Should a vacancy occur among the elected members of the Board of Trustees, the Board may select a qualified replacement to fill the position. A majority vote shall be necessary for election. The term of service for any replacement shall expire on the date of the next annual meeting.
SECTION 13. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFFICERS. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers will be selected in a manner determined by the board at the first board meeting after the annual meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose of selecting officers. The term of office shall be one year or until successors are elected.
A. PRESIDENT. The President shall:
1. Preside at all Board of Trustees meetings;
2. Preside at all membership meetings;
3. Appoint members of ministry teams with the advice of the Board;
4. Serve as an ex-officio member of all ministry teams except the nominating ministry team;
5. Sign such papers and documents upon proper authorization as may be necessary;
6. Be responsible for the planning of board orientation, retreats, and workshops.
7. Assume administrative director function and is allowed to spend up to $200 per event per month without Board of Trustees approval during those times when the Church is without a minister. All receipts are to be presented to the Treasurer.
B. VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall:
1. Assist the president in the performance of the officer’s duties;
2. Perform all the duties of the president of the Board in the absence of the President;
3. And succeed to the office of president in case the office of the president becomes vacant. In such a case, a new vice president will be elected from among the remaining trustees to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.
C. SECRETARY. The secretary shall:
1. Keep, or cause to be kept, an accurate record of the minutes of all board and membership meetings;
2. Hold in custody and be responsible for all reports, contracts, other legal papers, and the minute books which items will be kept at the principal executive office of the ministry at all times or in such other depository as prescribed by the board;
3. Attend to all official business as directed by the board;
4. Keep or cause to be kept accurate active and inactive membership lists;
5. Send or cause to be sent yearly membership renewal cards to all active and inactive members.
D. TREASURER. The treasurer shall be custodian of all funds belonging to this ministry:
1. Pay out or cause to be paid out, funds authorized by the Board;
2. Keep or cause to be kept, a record of all financial transactions;
3. Submit a monthly financial report at each regular board meeting;
4. Submit a financial report covering the last complete fiscal year to the annual membership meeting;
5. Account for all funds received being responsible to assure that they are deposited in accounts authorized by the Board;
6. When counting ministry funds there should be at least two persons present.
SECTION 1. ADMINISTRATION. The administration of Unity Church of Kona Kohala, DBA Unity of Kona, shall be vested in the senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leader as the administrative director(s), and the Board of Trustees elected from the membership. Business discussions and decisions by the Board of Trustees can be conducted electronically to include email, text messaging, video chats and other forms of social media communication.
A. SENIOR MINISTER OR CO-MINISTERS OR SPIRITUAL LEADERS. The senior minister or co-ministers of spiritual leader will be duly licensed or ordained Unity minister(s).
1. DUTIES. As the spiritual leader(s) of this ministry, the senior minister or co-ministers of spiritual leader will be responsible for the scheduling, conduct, and content of services, classes, and all other activities that further the purpose of this ministry. As administrative director(s), these minister(s) and spiritual leader(s) shall:
I. Be responsible for the complete functioning of this ministry, including the hiring and termination of all employees including associate or assistant ministers;
II. Serve as voting member(s) of the Board of Trustees on all matters except their own employment, or that of their successor(s);
III. Create ministry teams related to these duties;
IV. Appoint the members of such ministry teams;
V. Serve as ex-0fficio members of all ministry teams;
VI. Be responsible for seeking the assistance from Unity Worldwide Ministries in the event of a dispute adversely affecting the ministry.
VII. Authorized to spend up to $300 per month without prior Board of Trustees approval to be used towards the business or activities of the Church. All receipts to be presented to the Treasurer.
VIII. Shall conduct all Church business on the Church computer and/or upload all Church related materials to the Church Dropbox.
2. SELECTION: The Board of Trustees shall select the senior minister or co-ministers of spiritual leader following the employment procedures for ministerial personnel of Unity Worldwide Ministries.
3. COMPENSATION: The compensation of the senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leaders employed by this ministry shall be set by the Board of Trustees.
B. ASSOCIATE AND /OR ASSISTANT MINISTERS. Associate, and/or assistant minister(s) will perform the duties and fulfill the responsibilities assigned them by the senior or co-ministers or spiritual leader.
1. DUTIES: The associate, and/or assistant ministers(s) will perform the duties and fulfill the responsibilities assigned them by the senior or co-ministers of spiritual leader.
2. COMPENSATION: to the extent funded by the Board, the senior minister or co-ministers or spiritual leader shall fix the compensation of the associate and/or assistant minister(s).
A. UNITY MINISTRY. A member ministry in Unity Worldwide Ministries recognized by Unity will have a duly ordained or licensed Unity minister, or a person serving under special dispensation as its spiritual leader. (For additional criteria, contact the Unity Worldwide Ministries Office.)
B. SENIOR MINISTER AND SPIRITUAL LEADER. A Unity minister duly ordained, licensed (or serving under special dispensation) by Unity Worldwide Ministries (or Unity School of Christianity prior to July 1, 1966), who assumes the spiritual and administrative leadership role in a member ministry. This leader works in conjunction with the Board of Trustees of the member ministry, and is to oversee the teaching, preaching (lesson), worship services, healing, counseling, prayer, administrative, and fellowship activities of the ministry.
C. CO-MINSTER. In shared partnership ministries, a Unity minister duly ordained or licensed Unity Worldwide Ministries (or Unity School of Christianity prior to July 1, 1966), who equally assumes the spiritual and administrative leadership role with another co-minister in a member ministry. These leaders work in conjunction with the Board of Trustees of the member ministry, and oversee the teaching, preaching (lesson), worship services, healing, counseling, prayer, administrative, and fellowship activities of the ministry.
D. ASSOCIATE MINISTER. In ministries with more than one minister, a Unity minister duly ordained or licensed by Unity Worldwide Ministries (or Unity School of Christianity prior to July 1, 1966) serving in a member ministry. The associate minister may be equal in ability but functions with less responsibility than the senior minister. The associate minister reports to the senior minister, who determines the scope of the associate’s responsibilities.
E. ASSISTANT MINISTER. In ministries with more than one minister, a Unity minister duly ordained or licensed Unity Worldwide Ministries (or Unity School of Christianity prior to July 1, 1966), serving in a member ministry. The skills and/or experience of the assistant minister may be less than those of the senior minister. The assistant may be placed in a specialized service area of the ministry, i.e., pastoral visitation, or administrative support. The skills of the assistant are, therefore, allowed to develop a more comprehensive range of ministry service of the assistant, and the ministry.
With the exception of the nominating ministry team, ministry teams may be appointed by the president of the Board or the senior minister or co-ministers for their respective areas of responsibility.
In the event that this corporation is dissolved, all property and funds remaining after the payment of the debts of the corporation will be delivered to Unity Worldwide Ministries, a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Georgia, for religious and educational purposes. Such funds or property will be for the use and benefit of Unity Worldwide Ministries as may be determined by the Board of Trustees of Unity Worldwide Ministries in alignment with current policies and procedures. Unity Worldwide Ministries will make available according to its current policies and procedures, funds for the re-establishment of a Unity ministry in Kailua-Kona should Unity of Kona no longer exist. Any assets remaining of this corporation after dissolution will be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal executive offices of the corporation are then located and shall be used exclusively for purposes set out in section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1954.
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order newly revised shall govern the meetings of this corporation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the corporation may adopt.
Any amendment(s) to our general revision of these Bylaws may be adopted at any annual or special membership meeting provided that written notice setting for the exact wording of such proposed amendments or general revision has been sent to all active members at least fifteen (15) days prior the meeting at which they will be considered. An affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4ths) of the active members present and voting will be necessary to adopt any amendment(s) or general revision of these Bylaws.
[NOTE: Many states also require the approval of the Board for the adoption of amendments to the Bylaws. In such states a phrase such as the following should be added: “To take effect, any amendment(s) to or general revision of these Bylaws must also be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the members of the Board of Trustees present and voting at the first meeting of the Board following the adoption of such amendments or general revision.]
SECTION 1: Order of Business: The regular order of business at Board of Trustees and Membership meetings shall, unless otherwise, agree on, be as follows:
(1) Opening Prayer
(2) Roll Call
(3) Reading the minutes of previous meeting
(4) Treasurer’s report
(5) Reports of committees
(6) Election of officers
(7) Minister’s report
(8) Unfinished business
(9) New business
(10) Closing Prayer
Robert’ Rules of Order shall be the authority of this ministry on parliamentary law and its usage.
SECTION 1. HOW MADE: Changes, alterations, or amendments to these bylaws must be made by voting members of this corporation at a legally constituted meeting after notice in writing setting forth proposed changes, alternations, or amendments have been sent or otherwise made available to all active members at least seven (7) days before the meeting is to be held, and such changes, alterations or amendments to said bylaws shall not become effective until seventy-five percent (75%) of the active members present and voting shall vote affirmatively in favor of such change, alteration or amendment.
June 30, 2019
Cathy Shea, Secretary