Synopsis of March 12, 2023 talk

Law 2: Goal Setting, by Kayla Harvey

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone – What Would You Love?

During the second part of our books study, we discussed Edwene Gaines’ 10 steps to goal setting and the five intuitive categories they fit into:

Heart focus (1. Dreaming 2. Prioritizing)
Accountability (3. Self-reflection 4. Date)
Practice (5. Read 6. Visualize 7. Act as if)
Personal determination (8. Protect 9. Keep going)
                                           Faith (10. God is for you)

We discussed owning our desires and Edwene’s encouragement regarding making our goals tangible and measurable. Accountability was discussed as an ongoing part of the process through looking at ways our current beliefs and habits may be causing us to stand in our own way.

It was noted that we are often in our comfort zone but in order to make a change, we must transition out of this and through the fear zone to get to the learning and then growth zones. We were reminded from 2 Timothy 1:7 that we were not given a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Growth and desire takes our participation, a little bit of courage, and a dedication to showing up. Knowing that GOD is for us and there is nothing to fear, we can step forward to claim our dreams!