Synopsis of March 19, 2023 Talk

Law 3: Forgiveness & Worthiness, by Sasha Knowles

The Mysterious Power of Forgiveness

  • There is no one size fits all path to forgiveness.
  • Forgiveness is a journey to let go of the pain of the past.
  • Forgiving someone does not mean condoning their behavior.
  • It is possible to forgive and still choose to not have someone in your life.
  • Holding on to the pain anger, sadness, resentment, and hurt is like carrying a back pack full of rocks around with you.
  • It is ok to set the rocks down and move forward freely.
  • Edwene Gaines five techniques for forgiveness:
    1. Forgiveness Affirmations
    I forgive myself for all mistakes of the past.
    I forgive anyone and everyone who has hurt me.
    2. End of the Day
    Go over anyone who you have put outside your heart, including yourself. Take
    this time to invite them back in your heart space.
    3. Forgiveness Inventory
    Take a day that is uninterrupted and go over your life, forgiving everyone and
    everything that comes up.
    4. Forgive yourself
    Sometimes it helps to have a trusted friend to let some of your hurts out.
    5. Meditate on anyone and everyone who has hurt you
    Invite a master teacher into your meditation to remind you that you are loved.
    And it is ok to forgive and let go of anything that is heavy and hard to let go.More tools to help you forgive:
  • Tapping into forgiveness
    Emotional Freedom Technique – tapping along the meridian lines to
    move blocked energy
  • Journaling
    Letting all of the pain out on paper
    You can burn it or tear it up, and visually let it go
  • Dancing/Movement
    Move that energy up and out of your body


  • Forgiveness is a journey to let go of the pain of the past.
  • Forgiving someone does not mean condoning their behavior.
  • It is possible to forgive and still choose to not have someone in your life.
  • Holding on to the pain anger, sadness, resentment, and hurt is like carrying a back pack full of rocks around with you.
  • It is ok to set the rocks down and move forward freely.
  • Edwene Gaines five techniques for forgiveness:
    1. Forgiveness Affirmations
    I forgive myself for all mistakes of the past.
    I forgive anyone and everyone who has hurt me.
    2. End of the Day
    Go over anyone who you have put outside your heart, including yourself. Take
    this time to invite them back in your heart space.
    3. Forgiveness Inventory
    Take a day that is uninterrupted and go over your life, forgiving everyone and
    everything that comes up.
    4. Forgive yourself
    Sometimes it helps to have a trusted friend to let some of your hurts out.
    5. Meditate on anyone and everyone who has hurt you
    Invite a master teacher into your meditation to remind you that you are loved.
    And it is ok to forgive and let go of anything that is heavy and hard to let go.More tools to help you forgive:
  • Tapping into forgiveness
    Emotional Freedom Technique – tapping along the meridian lines to
    move blocked energy
  • Journaling
    Letting all of the pain out on paper
    You can burn it or tear it up, and visually let it go
  • Dancing/Movement
    Move that energy up and out of your body